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Online Driver Education Theory Online

  • The students will be able to interact with the following components of the program:
Program Sections Program Topics
1. Rules of the road.
2. Vehicle handling.
3. Driver behaviour.
4. The vehicle and its components.
5. Perception and risk management.
6. Sharing the road with all road users.
7. Different points of attention a driver will experience.
8. Respect and responsibilities in the driving environment.
  • The HomeLink Homework topics are suited to each of the numbered topics above.
HomeLink Sections HomeLink Topics HomeLink Content
1. Rules of the road. Explaining the meaning of various traffic lights.
2. Vehicle handling. Right turns at traffic lights and left turns at a stop sign.
3. Driver behaviour. Responding to emergencies, how to avoid head-on and rear-end collisions.
4. The vehicle and its components. Communication devices, and myths and facts related to the use of seatbelts.
5. Perception and risk management. Proactive vs reactive driving actions, driving emergencies, road rage, decision-making, and collision scenario analysis.
6. Sharing the road with all road users. Sharing the road with pedestrians, passing traffic safely, cooperative driving and defensive driving, and sharing the road fundamentals.
7. Different points of attention a driver will experience. Listing inside and outside vehicle distractions, myths and facts related to impairment, strategies to avoid impaired driving, types of impairment.
8. Respect and responsibilities in the driving environment. The benefits of fuel-efficient driving and fuel-efficient driving techniques.